লিখেছেনঃ Shamsuzzoha Manik, আপডেটঃ November 14, 2021, 12:00 AM, Hits: 2087
(The following is a selective excerpt from an e-mail sent to Abul Kasem, a renowned scholar on Islam, on February 2, 2009. Some basic problems regarding Islam, in a nutshell, have been raised here. – Shamszzoha Manik)
We should realize that love and nonviolence are important elements of Christianity as a religion. Whereas hate and violence are two important elements of Islam. Western democracies have feudal and Christian background. That is why in order to evolve the Western democracies had to fight both of them. As a result the Western democracies are capable to deal with Christianity, be it internal or external. But as regards Islam the same is not true.
Islam has already attained nuclear technology through Pakistan. I guess that soon the technology will reach the hands of Islamic terror groups. We should realize that Islam may not have the capacity to invent, but it has enormous capacity to appropriate the inventions of others. It hates any new thing and invention. But anything once produced or invented by others it becomes the object of Islam's attention or greed. Islam knows how to enjoy with hatred. It knows well how to plunder the fruits produced by others. In the same manner, it can usurp and copy or reproduce anything to fulfill its mission – the destruction of civilization.
We must understand that Muhammad was highly intelligent and he had a civilized background of the Quraish. But he used the ignorance and barbarity of the surrounding Arab Bedouins in order to fulfill his mission against civilization. I think that Islam is the most extreme and most violent reaction against the dead and dying civilizations of the ancient world. Since it is a reaction against civilization, it carries many elements of civilization within it in order to fight and destroy it. The fountain-head of Islam is not ignorance, but its violent hate for refined life as well as civilization. That is why intellectual fight or reasoning creates relatively little impact upon its mind. Islam's evils do not originate primarily from its ignorance or less intellectual capacity, but originate primarily from its attitude towards life. If anybody wants sincerely and strives to attain knowledge and intellectual superiority, he or she may succeed ultimately. But if one takes an opposite attitude, what will be the result? Nothing. So, we must first try to understand its attitudinal problem.
I have seen a lot of learned or educated Muslims who in spite of being aware of many vices of Islam feel proud to be Muslims. However, the victorious history of Islam must have an extremely important role in creating the sense of pride in the mind of Islam. In the inner mind of Islam, Islam means war, war means victory, victory means plunder, plunder means resource and resource means a joyful life. So, without experiencing major defeats Islamic mind will not even be ready to give any patient hearing to reasoning. However, this alone will not solve the attitudinal problem. But this will pave the way for the journey in search of the solutions.
Islam hates civilization. But from hate it does not want to leave civilization by retreating from social life like Christianity or Buddhism. Pain and frustration of the dead or dying ancient civilizations have created apathy in Christianity or Buddhism towards civilization. But in Islam they have developed violent hate and wrath against civilization. From hate Islam attacks and occupies civilization, from hateful lust it enjoys it brutally and after brutal enjoyment it exhausts and destroys the civilization. Islam is like a woman-hater serial rapist killer who after raping women kills them hatefully to get more pleasure.
At this nuclear age if Islam exists, civilization will be utterly endangered. So my question is how to deal with it. However, one thing is clear to me that only a secularist force evolved from within can do it. The West or rest of the world may contribute in winning the battle, but they cannot decide the fate of the battle on their own. The force that will evolve from within will build its own moral position through fight, will develop its own moral or ethical system in order to confront Islam's perverted moral system and develop its own fighting capacity to confront Islamic violence. This may be considered as an impossible idea now. But at this age of scientific development this is not impossible. The force can develop, in deed. However, the time is very short. The danger is developing with every passing day.
But now what else can we do other than telling the truth about Islam – its brute, fraudulent, destructive, despotic and depraved nature and its mission against humanity and civilization?